Living on a farm, she has quite a need for Energy in many ways. I hope this will help her to produce some extra Energy and help her to also lower her cost she already paying. Take a look at her website at and see how beautiful it looks and the amazing things she and her family have done with it.
For the rest of you that were not able to get a copy. the name of the site is Earth4Energy and can be accessed by clicking on the name or here!
Earth4Energy will teach even the most people with no clue how to build Solar and Wind Energy at a fraction of what it costs to buy it outright. They also includes plans, step by step instructions and even video of every step of the way.
If places like Germany can lead the way in Solar use, I don't see why America can't have solar somewhere on every piece of property. With prices so low and where to buy the products to assemble units in your garage or yard. there no reason not to get a copy and try a project.
Hey!, maybe it could become a nice little business producing panels for all your neighbors. You won't know until you give it a try.
Get your Copy Today and start lighting those Christmas trees and house with solar, led lights and batteries.
It's all possible!
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