Saturday, November 28, 2009

Self Sustainability through Education.

The last thing I would want my blogs and websites to be viewed as is just another web marketing site, but part of being self sufficient and sustainable is knowing how to not only make money, but to reduce your debts.
One program that is useful in educating and helping you to get your website noticed by search engines like google is it is useful in understanding more about how the "spiders" or "internet robots" go out and find your site.
Basically, these spiders and robots read the content or wording on your site and the links that are included in your posts and keep a record of it all.
Then when someone searches for something related, they know which sites to take the searcher to.
The ability to second guess how search engines rate the importance or relevance of your site to what is being searched for is sort of like playing the stock market, although getting your website or blog as close to the top of the list, especially when the search engines may return literally tens of thousands of websites, can really make a difference in whether your wasting your time online or not.

So once again a program called Spider Seo can really help you to understand how to get as near to the top of the search list as possible.

I may have to start a blog related to just the internet side of business. No matter what type of business your in these days, the internet is bound to play a part of it. That is if you want it to be seen and read.

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