Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cyber Monday Spiders Hawaiian Style

Aloha to Everyone,

I'm guessing that if you are reading this, then you survived BLACK FRIDAY! And Now it's CYBER MONDAY!

After standing in lines from early in the morning and then only to find that the store probably only had 13 of the items you had your heart set on, I have to symphasize with you. Fortunately I was not one of those. I have to admit I was up early to go to work, but made sure to hit the Starbucks furthest from the malls.

In passing Walmart and I noticed that not only was their parking lot full, but they filled the Home Depot parking lot next door and just about any parking spot they could find. After work, I did wander into Walmart at the end of the day to see what was left, or more correctly what was not left and saw the rows of truck containers lined up on the road in the back waiting to either restock Walmart or unload the newly arrived Christmas trees.

So just to brighten your day and if you have a chance to get in on some CYBER MONDAY online shopping, which may take some online work to match those of BLACK FRIDAY'S. I have put together a package, limited as it is, to help you in your marketing and money making through the year and enjoy some Hawaiian Christmas Music through the season. This little incentive package combines the HOT Selling SPIDER SEO program with a little bonus.

For the first Fifty that purchase the SPIDER SEO package through the following link, I am going to give your absolutely free a copy of "Have a Very Maui Christmas." This CD was made back in 2002 and in a limited quantity. My brother's a recording studio engineer and he brought in some little know and since pretty well know Hawaiian Musician's that recorded a Christmas CD. As I was cleaning out my closets, I found a case of them and so for a limited time, unless I can scrape up a few more before Christmas, I will be including a copy to everyone that purchases the SPIDER SEO. I know that this is a CYBER MONDAY promotion, but I just may extend it until Tuesday for those that still have to work, but don't wait or your chance will be gone!

This year make a point to create yourself a Self Sustataining income and enjoy the time listening to some Hawaiian Music and thinking about taking that vacation on Maui.

While you can buy the SPIDER SEO through any of my links on this page, please use this one to help me better track your purchase and get that gift off to you right away.

Click on the picture below.

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