Sunday, December 13, 2009

Body & Soil Health Conference

Early Registration for the Body & Soil Health Conference is over on Month the 14th of December, 2009. So there is one last day to get your registration in if you are going to be on Maui in January 2010.
there are Four Amazing Speakers that will be there and they are top notch Speakers from the Mainland.

The theme revolves around the micro-Organisims that exist not only in the Soil but our Bodies. It's a conference you don't want to miss! The cost for people in Hawaii is very little considering the closeness of the conference and there will be camping allowed on the Organic Farm that it takes place on.

Food is served throughout the weekend with some off the best Locally Grown Food for lunch and snacks at the breaks.

There is a Soil Analysis and Tissue Hair Analysis done at discounted rates and I just had mine verbally reported to me with the full analysis coming next week. It's amazing how much the analysis really told my story about my health issues and what I can do about making corrections.

The deadline to request the analysis is also the 14th. It should be interesting to see in three to six months how much of a difference it can make with myself. Surprisingly I turned up low in many areas and considering the health challenges and weight loss I have been through over the last year, it is not surprising.

Theresa Vernon will be going over the Tissue Hair Analysis and it is a good chance for some one-on-one time with her. Theresa's website is and her front page is almost like reading my bio. Check it out and read through her many sections. It's really amazing how much a Tissue Hair Analysis can tell you. If nothing else it can give you some direction and a starting point at understanding where you are at in our health.

So register for the Maui Conference in January or the Big Island of Hawaii the following week. They will also be giving a short presentation at the South Maui Sustainability meeting prior to the Maui conference. It will be a good time to come out and meet them.

For more or to register go to or call (808) 242-7870 on Maui.

Here are a few links for some good places to get more information on Farming in general:

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